Monday, July 6, 2009


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be (Rom 8:5-8).

If the mind is filled with information from the flesh, the flesh will control it. The implication of having the mind controlled by the flesh is producing flesh-oriented results, which is often leads to alienation of the spirit – spiritual death and corruption of the mind. The content of the information provided by the flesh are circumstances that surrounds us and most often they are negative in nature. If our minds are constantly bombarded with this sort of information, we will helpless respond in the manner of the information is presented to the mind. Medical science has proved that humans are not designed to be reactive but proactive. For us to be proactive especially in days like these, our spirit must be our primary source of information for our minds. A spirit controlled mind will produces a spirit-oriented result, which is life.
Life is designed by God in such a marvelous manner it gives back whatever you give in a greater measure. For instance givers never lack, whatever you sow that you shall reap. If you sow a seed of corn, you will get hundreds of seeds in return. The river gives water to the sea and yet the sea never over flows neither does the river run dry. Have you ever wonder why? The sea gives back to the river and by so doing it balances the proportion of water each one holds.
The same principle applies to the mind and its source. The mind encourages its source of information by nourishing either the spirit or the flesh depending on which of them it feeds from regularly. The content of input saturate the mind, which causes the mind to desire for more input from the same source. In return, the flesh/spirit is nourished and its activity to feed the mind becomes intensified. For example, a young person and that feeds his mind with sex related magazines, films and stories on a regular basis will soon discover that the craving for more of such materials has intensified. This could lead expression of inordinate passion for every opposite sex and may someday lead to rape or engaging in sex perversion.
A spirit controlled mind nourishes the spirit. The mind can only be controlled by the spirit via the word of God - John 6:63. Gal. 5:17 - The flesh and spirit are “battling” against each other over who controls the mind, because when the flesh controls the mind. The spirit is suffocated, starved, becomes inactive, but when the spirit controls it, the reverse is the case.

Let’s consider this illustration; a young lad who spends much of his time with his mum; mum and dad happen not to share the same ideals on child training. One day Dad says, 'son give me that knife', but unknown to him, mum has warned the child not to touch knives, and the boy simply reply, "I can't, mum told me not to touch knives". The young lad is a product of his constant relationship with mum. From this young boy's example, one can deduce that the young boy's behaviour is influenced by the relationship he has with his mum. It is obvious that he spends enough time with her. The mind, when subjected to the influence of the spirit via building a good relationship with the Word through study and prayer in obedience, shall behave according to the word. The mind is a good listener and an eager one too.

Rom. 8:6 says to be carnally minded is death; to be spirit minded is life and peace. The mind is the center for creativity, where information - ideas, inspiration flows from our spirits into it or decay flows from the flesh into it. When the mind becomes spirit-controlled it allows ideas, inspirations, to flow from God via the spirit into the mind, and because the mind is spirit controlled it gives life to that idea, Inspiration, which will produce positive effect on the physical world.
- Prov 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.

This principle of life is observed by everyone who is making the most out of life. History shows that great discoverers and inventors identified with this attendant condition. Their minds were guarded against evil influences of the flesh. You can’t afford to read any kind of magazine that comes your way. It is a very expensive habit not to know the kind of images you are permitted to view as a candidate of the top most top. Great minds like Thomas Edison who invented bulb and phonograph, Johan Gutenberg who invented movable printing machine, Isaac Newton who developed theory of universal gravitation and Guglielmo Marconi who invented radio. All these men maintained certain environment that encourages productivity. Their minds were dedicated to what they are set to achieve. Your understanding of this principle, will guarantee your lifting.

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