Sunday, July 12, 2009


Fear means to ponder so much on all that can go wrong, instead of on all that can go right in the course of developing your potential. It has stopped many from taken the bold steps of life; it has made many to remain where they are, afraid of stepping into uncharted frontier. It keeps one from not moving, but rather wanting to know all the challenges associated with their pursuit before embarking on it. The truth is, for every pursuit of destiny, one cannot see all it may cost him, but for sure if you set your eyes on the reward, you shall surely make it. And again, to every new level of achievement envisaged, there is always a new devil to conquer. Anything that fear presents to you is not real. It becomes real the moment you give in to it. Fear is a spirit that hates you, it would want to stop you if it can, but you are to decide what fear can do to your destiny. 2 Tim 1:6-7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Fear is a spirit from the pit of hell, it is designed to stop you, but I tell you something, you're unstoppable! So each time fear shows up to stop you; here is what to do: Tell it to go to hell! You must refuse to listen to its suggestions, everything he says is a lie; he is a liar by nature as described in John 8:44, as a person who speaking of lies is his native language. So what to do to such a person is to resist him, command him to shut his trash.

Whatever fear presents to you is a mirage, it's not there and will never be, except you permit it. Have you ever been on a highway and suddenly there seem to be water log ahead of you, but as you drive closer, the water log that was before you, threatening you, begins to disappear, by the time you get there, you will realize that that the very spot where you saw it has always been dry and has no trace of water. What would have happened if you had stopped and made a u-turn; and what a waste of time and energy it would have been to start worrying and praying disturbing PAPA God! You could develop a high blood pressure by worry and anxiety. Please people of God understand this, your fears never exist, and it is only cowards that die before their actual death.
Anxiety is one of the products of fear, a psychologist came up with a statistics that:
40% of what we worry about never happens.
30% of what we worry about are things that have already happened.
20% of what we worry about are unfounded concerns.
And 10% of what we worry about comprises our day-to-day activities.

From the above statistics fear is baseless and has no genuine course. A character in the bible called Job, a honorable man unfortunately missed this truth, the devil presented a picture to him that someday he shall loose all he has and he gave in to it, ignoring the promises of God for his life.
Job 3:25
For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.
Job set his mind so much on what fear presented to him than on what faith has for him. God has put a hedge round about him, a wall of protection but Job believed so much in fear than faith.
Job 1:10
Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
God who has put that dream, idea, potential in you knows you, he knows you can do it, stop complaining and do something useful.

Monday, July 6, 2009


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be (Rom 8:5-8).

If the mind is filled with information from the flesh, the flesh will control it. The implication of having the mind controlled by the flesh is producing flesh-oriented results, which is often leads to alienation of the spirit – spiritual death and corruption of the mind. The content of the information provided by the flesh are circumstances that surrounds us and most often they are negative in nature. If our minds are constantly bombarded with this sort of information, we will helpless respond in the manner of the information is presented to the mind. Medical science has proved that humans are not designed to be reactive but proactive. For us to be proactive especially in days like these, our spirit must be our primary source of information for our minds. A spirit controlled mind will produces a spirit-oriented result, which is life.
Life is designed by God in such a marvelous manner it gives back whatever you give in a greater measure. For instance givers never lack, whatever you sow that you shall reap. If you sow a seed of corn, you will get hundreds of seeds in return. The river gives water to the sea and yet the sea never over flows neither does the river run dry. Have you ever wonder why? The sea gives back to the river and by so doing it balances the proportion of water each one holds.
The same principle applies to the mind and its source. The mind encourages its source of information by nourishing either the spirit or the flesh depending on which of them it feeds from regularly. The content of input saturate the mind, which causes the mind to desire for more input from the same source. In return, the flesh/spirit is nourished and its activity to feed the mind becomes intensified. For example, a young person and that feeds his mind with sex related magazines, films and stories on a regular basis will soon discover that the craving for more of such materials has intensified. This could lead expression of inordinate passion for every opposite sex and may someday lead to rape or engaging in sex perversion.
A spirit controlled mind nourishes the spirit. The mind can only be controlled by the spirit via the word of God - John 6:63. Gal. 5:17 - The flesh and spirit are “battling” against each other over who controls the mind, because when the flesh controls the mind. The spirit is suffocated, starved, becomes inactive, but when the spirit controls it, the reverse is the case.

Let’s consider this illustration; a young lad who spends much of his time with his mum; mum and dad happen not to share the same ideals on child training. One day Dad says, 'son give me that knife', but unknown to him, mum has warned the child not to touch knives, and the boy simply reply, "I can't, mum told me not to touch knives". The young lad is a product of his constant relationship with mum. From this young boy's example, one can deduce that the young boy's behaviour is influenced by the relationship he has with his mum. It is obvious that he spends enough time with her. The mind, when subjected to the influence of the spirit via building a good relationship with the Word through study and prayer in obedience, shall behave according to the word. The mind is a good listener and an eager one too.

Rom. 8:6 says to be carnally minded is death; to be spirit minded is life and peace. The mind is the center for creativity, where information - ideas, inspiration flows from our spirits into it or decay flows from the flesh into it. When the mind becomes spirit-controlled it allows ideas, inspirations, to flow from God via the spirit into the mind, and because the mind is spirit controlled it gives life to that idea, Inspiration, which will produce positive effect on the physical world.
- Prov 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.

This principle of life is observed by everyone who is making the most out of life. History shows that great discoverers and inventors identified with this attendant condition. Their minds were guarded against evil influences of the flesh. You can’t afford to read any kind of magazine that comes your way. It is a very expensive habit not to know the kind of images you are permitted to view as a candidate of the top most top. Great minds like Thomas Edison who invented bulb and phonograph, Johan Gutenberg who invented movable printing machine, Isaac Newton who developed theory of universal gravitation and Guglielmo Marconi who invented radio. All these men maintained certain environment that encourages productivity. Their minds were dedicated to what they are set to achieve. Your understanding of this principle, will guarantee your lifting.

Monday, March 9, 2009

week 1

I am compelled to create this blog and use it as medium to reach millions of readers who the Lord has preordained to partake in the harvest that just got started. The book (Manifestation of the Sons of God) i shall be sharing with you over the next few weeks was written in 2002 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit pointing the direction God is taking His people.

SEASONS: This is a period of time when a particular activity happens.
TIMES: This is an occasion when you do something or when something happens.
Events are controlled by the times and seasons in which we find ourselves. One thing about times and season is that they are not ordained by man but they are designed to help man know what to do, and what God expects of him. For example, the rainy and dry seasons (as the case is in Nigeria) are not controlled by man but God; they are sent to help man understand what kind of activity is favoured. So anyone who engages in any other kind of activity not favoured by it will have to do so with much frustration and difficulty, but if that same person gets engaged in a favourable activity, time and season will cause all things to work towards the enhancement, smooth running and success of the activity.
A farmer that chooses to farm in the dry season will have to fight with virtually everything, ranging from the soil to the weather (sun and wind) and the seed. Finally at the end of the day he stands a big chance of loosing his harvest but if he eventually gets any harvest, it will not justify the effort has been put in. If the farmer carry out the same activity in the rainy season, all those factors that stood against him will work for him and of course a bumper harvest is inevitable.
Seasons and times are not controlled by man but God and they are designed to tell us what God is set to do; but in as much as seasons and times are controlled by God, man is charged with the responsibility of making it beneficiary to oneself and mankind, although they speak of God's plan for man, yet man is charged with responsibility of making sure that God's plan for him come to pass.
Just as we have seasons in the natural, there are also spiritual seasons, which could be referred to as prophetic seasons. Prophetic season is a period of time ordained by God to perform certain events proclaimed through his prophets. Prophetic seasons share the same characteristics with the natural seasons, they depend on mankind to be made manifest. Thousands of years ago, the Lord said made prophetic statement concerning the destiny of the Israelites that a season would come after they have spent 400 years in captivity; they shall be set free from their captors, leaving the land - Egypt with great wealth. But when the season came, no man was found to enforce it, there was no one to stand in the gap and work it out, even though all the elements of life were ready to fight for the course of that prophetic proclamation. And so the Israelites spent an additional 30 years in captivity until God found a man in Moses. Moses caught an understanding of God’s plan, his eyes were opened to see that the season had come for their release from captivity, this culminated to his longing for change and he started taking practical steps.
In our contemporary times we have seen many similar situations. For instance, when the time was ripe for the liberation of South¬-Africa and India from the oppressions of their colonial masters, until God found a willing vessel in Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi their liberty was not in view, irrespective of the fact that their season of release had come. God never does a thing without the agency of a man, most a times he often begin by putting concern in our hearts, then that concern will metamorphous from just a concern to compassion then finally a vision.
In Exodus 2:11 - 13 the Bible records that what sparked off the liberation movement of the Israelites was compassion Mosses had for his people. He came out one day to see his people and behold what he saw was their burden, he could not stand the sight, he knew by intuition that his people ought to be free, he saw them as a nation not as slaves; he saw them as a great company of kings commanding extra ordinary wealth and then finally he resolved within himself that not only should they be free but any more second spent in Egypt will be deemed as an insult to their God and their person.
Daniel in his days was not an exception to this attendant condition. The Lord made a prophetic declaration through his servant Jeremiah, that a season of release shall come after his people had spent 70 years in Babylon (Jer. 25:11 - 13 and Jer. 29:10 - 14). But this prophetic declaration could not come to pass until God found an agent in a man called Daniel. Seventy years had passed, it was the season for their release but God needed a man to carry it out on earth. Jeremiah 29:10-15 says:

For thus says the LORD: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you t o return tot his place.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the LORD, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

Daniel 9:2 - 4, 20 also says:
In the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the LORD through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolation's of Jerusalem.

Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.

And I prayed to the LORD my God, and made confession, and said, "O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments.

...Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God,

In the following verses, I would like you to pay more attention to the events that took place because therein lie the secrets of ending all forms of captivity.
For any captivity to come to an end; be it colonial, business, marriage or otherwise, certain factors must be greatly favored, and these were the factors that the Lord gave to Daniel as a key to end their servitude in Babylon.

‘Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.
And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding’
Daniel 9:21-22


(1) Prayer - Daniel said, "While I was praying..." Prayer remains an effective means of tapping into the mysteries of God, it tells God that the people are ready for the manifestation of his plans; it tells God that they are ready to be guided out of captivity.
(2) Skill - When the angel of God came to give Daniel the answer to his petition, the angel came with an answer that looked seemingly irrelevant to the problem on ground but in it lie the secret to all kind of liberty. The angel said to Daniel,
"I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding”.
Skill is the ability to do something exceptionally well. Why God hasn't handed Africa wholly to the hand of Africans is simply lack of skill. Until we prove we are competent enough to pilot our destinies, our complete emancipation is not in view. Just as a father cannot hand a car key to his under-age son, when he knows that the boy cannot drive, let alone having a driver’s license; so also God cannot surrender the throne, economy, and destiny of a nation to an unskilled people.

Ecclesiastes 10:15 says:
The labor of fools wearies them, for they do not even know how to go to the city

The Bible clearly points out that what makes a people, management, family and generation foolish is lack of "know how" - skill and as they remain in that state, weariness will be the order of the day in all their pursuits in life, irrespective of their location, race, colour and natural endowment. This explains why Nigeria hasn't experienced true independence as a nation, we still import clothes, sugar, jewelry, and foreigners run our oil fields because we lack skill.

I want to challenge the youths in the world, especially in Africa, that why they have not taken their place in politics, business, and ministry is because they lack skill. Why foreigners run your oil fields and other mineral fields is because you lack skill, so stop all your threats of riots strike and war and settled down for skill (mental acumen, shrewdness or reasoning power) acquisition, it will pave a way for you to the top.

"If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success” (- Ecc 10:10 - NIV).

Even in the days of mosses, God gave him some unparalleled supernatural skill, he could start and stop plaque supernaturally and at will; the Egyptians couldn't beat that, so they lost their wealth to the Israelites. Skill is all you need to emerge.
Understanding: The angel said, "I am now come forth to give thee.... understanding". Understanding is the proper assimilation of facts that lead to correct application of knowledge to produce strange acts. Until the people are set to go for knowledge, their liberty is far fetched. Knowledge empowers your mind to be creative; it empowers your mind to bring forth strange invention, to unveil mysteries, to put an end to troubles facing humanity. Daniel rose to the throne of Babylon via knowledge; knowledge surrenders the throne of any land, business, calling and family to you. Strong nations such as America are always hunting for knowledge and that has today made them number one world power. Knowledge makes you the “predator” and not the prey. The more you improve your level of knowledge is the further you walk away from captivity and deeper into God’s ultimate liberty for you. Never wait until problem bigger than your level of knowledge come upon you, because when it does you may not be able to handle it and then gives room for outsiders to come to help you, and at his point you stand the risk of loosing your position. This has been the secret of America as a nation, they know the in and out of virtually all the nations of the earth, they did not come to this stage by witchcraft, No! They arrived at this stage because they have a policy of wanting to help other nations tackle their problems and by so doing they derived two major benefit: firstly, they are expanding their knowledge base, secondly they are taking delivery of that nations’ secrets and so they know as much as the nation knows, in terms the nations of military intelligence, economic strategies and political flaws or weaknesses. Anytime there is a war between them and the other nations they already know what to do and where to hit to win. Knowledge gives you an edge over your competitors